
What is cervicalgia? by the physiotherapist Freidy Guerrero in Barranquilla


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What is cervicalgia? by the physiotherapist Freidy Guerrero in Barranquilla

What is neck pain?

Cervical pain is pain in the upper region of the spine, which can extend to the head, shoulders and shoulder blades.

What symptoms does neck pain produce?

Cervical pain produces pain in the back of the neck, specifically in the cervical region, frequently radiating to the arms and head, sometimes accompanied by dizziness.

Why does cervicalgia occur?

Neck pain is caused by inflammatory processes such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, congenital static disorders such as supplementary rib or supernumerary or cuneiform vertebra located towards D1-D2-D3, due to acquired static alterations (kypholordosis or flat back), likewise, due to mechanical factors (direct or indirect trauma, efforts, movements that are not executed with precise coordination, incorrect postures) and vascular disorders.

How long does it take to heal a neck pain?

The time it takes to heal neck pain, usually acute pain lasts for days, sometimes it can last up to six weeks, however 10% to 15% of cases it becomes chronic and lasts much longer.

When to go to a specialist in case of having cervicalgia?

You should go to a specialist in case of having neck pain when there is difficulty in performing activities of daily life.

How to prevent neck pain?

Having daily exercise routines to maintain good muscle tone, proper posture, taking active breaks in long work periods, with adequate ergonomics in the workplace among others.

What exercises can relieve neck pain?

Postural exercises, flexibility, elongation, strengthening, proprioception, mobilizations, tractions.

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