
Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Pathology and treatment


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Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Pathology and treatment

What is the pelvic floor?

Anatomically, the pelvic floor is the set of muscles, ligaments, and fascia that support the pelvic organs. (bladder-urethra, uterus-vagina, anus-rectum). To understand the pelvic floor we must know it not with the classical anatomy, but with the functional anatomy. The anatomical components of the pelvic floor are able to support and at the same time actively or passively participate in the functions of urination, defecation, urinary and fecal incontinence, sexual intercourse and childbirth.

Among urinary dysfunctions we have urinary incontinence of effort and urgency or mixed, that is, a combination of the previous ones.

What is stress incontinence?

Stress incontinence is one in which there is the loss of urine during coughing, laughter, external burdens, jumping, dancing and even during sexual intercourse.

What is urge incontinence?

Urgent incontinence can occur due to insufficient sphincter relaxation during a contraction, for evacuation, it prevents effective bladder emptying and can lead to high bladder pressures.

Consequences of a weakened pelvic floor

Patients who have increased bladder pressure are at greater risk of bladder and kidney infections, which can result in damage and even kidney failure.

For complete emptying of the bladder during urination, coordination between contracting the bladder detrusor muscle and relaxation of the sphincter of the urethra is essential. If the sphincter tonicity (pelvic floor muscles) is not adequate, stress incontinence may occur or if the bladder emptying is increased, it will be incomplete, which can cause postmictional residue leading to urinary infections and pelvic pain. This may occur in children and adults.

Pelvic floor rehabilitation

In FISIOTERAPIAS IPS SAS we have specialized personnel in pelvic floor rehabilitation that can help you with behavioral assessment and myofascial release techniques, re-education of inappropriate movement patterns and we also have equipment of WIRELESS BIOFEEDBACK that can be used in different positions including those performed in your daily life such as sitting, standing or in sports activities.

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