
Newborn care by the neonatologist pediatrician Luis Marín in Cartagena


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Newborn care by the neonatologist pediatrician Luis Marín in Cartagena

What are the cares that a newborn should have?

There are many cares that must be taken into account with a newborn baby, but the main ones and those that I recommend as a pediatrician in Cartagena are:

  • Put him on his back to sleep
  • Take care of the umbilical cord, which must remain dry and under the diaper.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding
  • Not sleeping in the same bed as the baby, but in the same room.
  • The first 7 days of life must be assessed by a pediatrician.

What should not be done with a newborn baby?

Newborn babies are very delicate both physically and immunologically, so there are many contraindications, the main ones and the ones I recommend the most are:

  1. Do not sleep on your stomach, to avoid sudden infant death syndrome.
  2. Do not be around smokers.
  3. Avoid visits in the first 4 weeks or more, since newborns are unvaccinated and their immune systems are weak.
  4. Avoid sleeping with the baby in the same bed.
  5. Avoid pillows, stuffed animals and other accessories in the crib.

How should a newborn baby be fed?

The best food for a newborn is cheap and natural: breast milk. And it's even better if it's exclusive. Breast milk will not only benefit the newborn's physical health but also their emotional health. The attachment that is created with the mother gives benefits for life.

What are the vaccines that should be applied to the newborn baby?

The vaccines that should be applied to newborn babies are:

  1. BCG: BCG or Bacillus Calmette-Guérin is a vaccine against tuberculosis (TB).
  2. HB: Hepatitis B is administered after birth and is very effective in preventing infection in the newborn.

What precautions should the mother take so as not to infect the baby with any virus?

The main care that the mother should have is constant hand washing, especially before having contact with the baby, whether or not it has a virus. If you already have a respiratory or stomach virus, the ideal is to use the mask. Last but not least, the mother should avoid going out and being in contact with other people in these first weeks of the baby's life.

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