
Chinese acupuncture by Dr. Carlos Torres alternative physician in Palmira

Alternative medicine

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Chinese acupuncture by Dr. Carlos Torres alternative physician in Palmira

What is Chinese acupuncture?

Chinese Acupuncture is a type of therapy that is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and that consists of the application of fine needles in the so-called Acupuncture points that are on the path of the energy channels of the body also called " Acupuncture Meridians ”. The main objective of this technique is to regulate the different energy alterations on which diseases develop.

What are the benefits of Chinese acupuncture?

To understand the benefits of acupuncture, we must first understand that every type of disease, whether it is called symptomatic or asymptomatic, will always be preceded by its corresponding energetic alteration, which will become its ultimate cause and from which it proceeds. There is therefore an energy disorder by default or excess that will generate blockages so acupuncture will take care of eliminating this condition to achieve a lasting balance that improves the body. Therefore, the greatest benefit it offers us is to reestablish Health not only temporarily but also lastingly, which will provide a better quality of life for all those who use it as their base therapy.

Is Chinese acupuncture risky?

This therapy is not without risks, although they are minimal, such as the appearance of infection at some point of application or pleural lesions at the chest level, all these adverse events are due to a bad practice or when it is carried out in the hands of "No experts ”and with low levels of biosafety, so for acupuncture therapy to be adequate it must be carried out by Specialized Physicians in the alternative area who provide safe and adequate conditions for a correct application.

Does Chinese acupuncture have contraindications?

In general, the acupuncture technique has no contraindications except in the following cases

  1. Patients with a diagnosis of Hemophilia or with uncontrolled Coagulation disorder
  2. Pregnant Patients
  3. Patients in a state of intoxication or under the influence of Narcotics
  4. Patients with Severe Psychotic Disorders

It is important to remember that a good acupuncture technique should not cause bleeding when removing the needles, but people with uncontrolled coagulation blood disorders should avoid this type of therapy until they have safety levels due to the risk of bleeding in these patients .

What is Chinese acupuncture for and what diseases is it used for?

Acupuncture has been recognized in the West mainly for the treatment of Acute and / or Chronic pain, but the different Scientific studies have shown that Acupuncture is a therapy that helps to restore Health in Chronic patients and its use in various diseases such as alterations of the Nervous System (Depression, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Parkinsonism, Peripheral Neuropathies), in hormonal, gynecological and urinary alterations (Abnormal Uterine Hemorrhage, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Interstitial Cystitis, Prostatic Hyperplasia), in the area of ??Internal Medicine (Hepathopathies Chronic, Metabolic Syndrome, Arterial Hypertension, Rheumatic Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, SLE), in Gastroenterology (Peptic Acid Disease, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Irritable Colon Syndrome), and in the area of ??Oncology where it is an excellent complement in the different treatments given by this specialty. However, I mention here those disorders for which most people consult and in which greater successes are observed, but the list is not limited to what is described above and its usefulness is much greater.

Does Chinese acupuncture hurt?

For the application of acupuncture, needles that are too fine are used and their insertion does not hurt, however, in order for it to have an ideal therapeutic effect, the therapist is required to look for a phenomenon called the "dequi" or "arrival of the qui" which consists in rotating the needle once applied, which will produce a discreet sensation that some people describe as similar to a "current" that can be localized or even travels at a distance and can be extended by an extremity at the time of performing this technique. Note that this sensation is not essential to have to generate the desired therapeutic effect, but if it is felt, it tells us that the application was made at an exact point on the meridian.

How many Chinese acupuncture sessions are needed to relieve pain?

There is no established criterion to alleviate a specific pain as this is determined by the degree of inflammation of each patient, but as a general rule, acute pain responds more quickly and Chronic pain will respond with a greater number of therapies, for so there is no "magic number" of these. However, a treatment consists of 3 phases and each phase corresponds to 10 sessions, so some patients will respond with a first phase of therapies, but the average in Chronic patients will make an adequate response with 20 sessions.

Does Chinese acupuncture help you lose weight?

One of the branches of Acupuncture is Cosmetics and within this is the anti-obesity therapy which in order to be carried out correctly requires individualizing the patient to have an effective weight reduction.

Is Chinese acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is one of the most effective and safest therapies that exist, however, it is recommended that it be performed by a Doctor and that within his training he has the Title of Specialist in Alternative Therapies or that he is certified by a University Institution that Endorse your practice, in this way anyone who wishes to obtain treatments in Chinese Medicine can do so with the full confidence that they will obtain excellent results.

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