
What is psychotherapy and its benefits by the psychologist Eduardo Linares in Barranquilla


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What is psychotherapy and its benefits by the psychologist Eduardo Linares in Barranquilla

What is psychotherapy and brief psychotherapy?

It is a simple process that seeks to know the structure of the emotional problems of the human being to change the way in which our mind processes situations and thus achieve a degree of well-being and satisfaction, this process can take in some cases a year or more. Brief psychotherapy has the same goals but seeks to cause change in the shortest time possible. This is achieved by determining the most important structural elements that make up a problem and making interventions on them, in this way some people can obtain results in short periods such as 5 -7 sessions, this depends of course on individual, personal factors, the history of the person and their immediate surroundings.

When to go to psychotherapy?

In general, we must all attend psychotherapy, this process is always beneficial, it cleanses, clears, clears and optimizes our mind. It is especially important to go when we do not feel joy, well-being, the desire to live, when we do not enjoy the day-to-day experience, when we have symptoms such as anxiety, sadness, low self-esteem, difficulty relating to family, friends or at work. As long as emotional life does not flow and we feel uncomfortable, it is a good time to go to psychotherapy.

From what age can you start going to psychotherapy?

There are different types of therapies and therapists, in general, from small children of 3 years onwards they can take psychotherapy processes.

What is psychotherapy?

These are a series of work sessions, usually 40 to 50 minutes long, which can be done one or more times a week. In these sessions, the problem is addressed and techniques are applied to achieve change.

What are the different types of psychotherapy?

There are many variants today and theoretical approaches. We can summarize by saying that in general there are some psychotherapy processes that last longer and others that seek to shorten the time that a person remains in treatment. Thus, brief therapy appears as an alternative to traditional approaches, seeking to obtain results in much shorter time.

Who can benefit from psychotherapy?

In general, any human being can benefit from psychotherapy. Therefore, anyone who does not feel well spiritually or emotionally, who experiences unpleasant sensations in his mind, will greatly benefit.

What is the role of psychotherapy?

Optimize the mind and the processes that it executes every day with the information it receives, to make us experience the present in an exciting, valuable, joyful and optimistic way, as well as equip ourselves with tools for efficient coping with results of the problems.

How many psychotherapy sessions are needed to see improvement?

It depends on each person, their characteristics, history, context, etc. In brief therapy some people can obtain results in very short times such as 5 to 7 work sessions.

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